Creativity is Contagious

Camp Winadu specializes in providing a well-rounded experience that expands far beyond athletics. Our art & hobby programs provide campers with high-quality hands-on experience in several different areas of the arts.


Talented music instructors provide campers with private lessons in drums, guitar, and piano. Lessons are available for beginners through advanced musicians. Campers are able to put their new skills to use while playing with the Winadu band at Friday night Campership.


Our budding music producers learn the basic music structure of DJ’ing including the fundamentals of scratching and mixing. Campers lessons are taught from a “inside the DJ booth” perspective and debut their skills at all camp Special Events.


Creativity is the name we use for all activities taking place in our craft shack. Campers use their best creative skills to complete projects in arts & crafts, sewing, lanyard-making, tye-dying, kitemaking, and more. Overall, the goal of this program is to develop minds in an environment that supports learning.


Winadu campers get an inside look at the world of rocket science by building and launching their very own rocket.


In Woodworking, campers enjoy crafting wooden games, knock hockey sets, baseball bats, and other distinctive projects.

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