Great Adventures & Lasting Traditions

The traditions you experience at camp are memories in the making. From special activities to grand adventures, our traditions are what campers look forward to most at Winadu.


Friday nights are for Campership. Everyone gathers for a traditional, all-camp event complete with live music, singing, dancing, laughing, and camaraderie. We review the past week’s events, hear about exciting activities to come, and give out special recognition to campers who have exemplified the true meaning of Campership – caring about others.

Big Brother, Little Brother

From our youngest campers to our Seniors, at Winadu everyone knows each other. Each camper in our two youngest groups is assigned an older camper as his big brother. Big brothers mentor little brothers and establish a special friendship that begins in the spring and continues throughout camp.


Every division writes two songs, an alma mater and a group song, in preparation for this special tradition. Groups then perform their original songs for the entire camp. Songfest creates an enormous pride within our campers and gives the boys songs to sing all year long.

Color War – Blue vs. White

Campers anxiously await the start of Color War every summer. This five-day event gives the boys an opportunity to shine both on and off the athletic fields. Color War includes amazing traditions such as the apache relay, rope burn, spelling bee and so much more. The bonding and brotherhood which occurs between younger campers and older campers is the core purpose of Color War. The cheering and singing during Color War can be heard throughout campus.

Salt & Pepper

Senior campers eagerly anticipate this one-day Color War-style event. It is one of the biggest highlights of every camper’s career.

Ketchup & Mustard

Upper Hornets enjoy their own one-day Color War-style event geared towards their age group. As soon as camp begins, Upper Hornets can be heard chanting “Ketchup and Mustard” in anticipation of this exciting event.

Brothers & Sisters

Winadu brothers get to visit with their sisters at Camp Danbee every week. Siblings alternate visits to each other’s camp, participate in activities, and have lunch together. Brother-sister photos are posted weekly on each camp’s website for parents to enjoy.


Birthdays are extra special events at Winadu. The day begins with a special phone call home, followed by an all-camp celebration and a personalized cake prepared by the chef. Later, the birthday boy and his bunkmates enjoy a special party at night in their cabin.


Winadu campers look forward to attending age-appropriate socials with neighboring girl camps.

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